University of Indonesia (UI) is a one of the largest and oldest state university in Indonesia, established on the 2nd February 1950-five year after the Indonesia independence. Actually, it is a continuation of higher education established at the end of 19th century under the Dutch Colony started with medical education. The university started to offer bachelor degrees in medicine, law, and economics Salemba and Rawamangun campuses in the heart of Jakarta Metropolitan, the capital of Indonesia. The university has expanded its programs to science, arts, sociology, politics, engineering, public health, psychology, D.D.S.ry, and nursing. As the largest and oldest university, the campus has been the Center for student activities and political reforms. At the same time, the number of students and programs at Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral Levels continued to grow rapidly. In 1987, a new-312-hectares campus was constructed in Depok, 35 Km South of the Salemba Campus, to accommodate a growing number of students and programs offered to the public. The university maintains Salemba campus to house programs of Medicine, D.D.S.ry, inter-disciplinary graduate programs, and some other offices. Currently the Park-like campus is home for more than 38,000 students.
University of Indonesia has been the most respected and the most competitive University in Indonesia and has become one of the best universities in South East Asia region. The number joint-degrees and exchange programs for Bachelor and Masters degrees has been increasing along with increasing demand for higher education in Asia. To allow greater flexibility in managing higher education, the Indonesian Government has granted full autonomy to the university. Under this autonomous university, UI has been exempted from bureaucratic administration allowing faster responses to meet expectations of students, academicians, researchers, governments, business communities, and the community at large. At present, the university offers more than 150 programs for Diploma, Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral degrees through 12 Faculties.
On July 1st, 1965, the Faculty of Public Health was established by the assistance of USAID offering Masters Level of public health education. Doctor Mochtar, the head of the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine, initiated the establishment of FPHUI. At the beginning, FPHUI only offered Masters of Public Health program, then a two-year program for Diploma III holders (a three year vocational program after high school in various field of health sector) to complete Bachelor degree in public health. In 1987, FPHUI started to offer undergraduate program (Bachelor degree) in public health to meet a requirement as a faculty under the Indonesian Law of Education. Subsequently, since 1990, FPHUI has been offering Masters Degrees in Hospital Administration, Occupational Health, and Epidemiology. In addition, at the same time, FPHUI has been offering Doctoral Degrees in Public Health and in Epidemiology.
In mid-1990, FPH UI offered a three-year Diploma program for high school graduates to meet the demand for low-level managers in the health sector in Indonesia. The program offered skilled competent for human resources in public health and health service facilities in the public and the private sector. The FPHUI terminated this skilled-oriented Diploma program in 2004 to allow FPHUI to concentrate to higher-level education, in line with the University Vision to become a Research University by 2010.
Vision and Mission
As part of a Research University, FPHUI set its vision to be the Center of Excellent for public health education in Indonesia and to be one of the best public health educations in Asia through enhancing research, education, and consulting services.
To develop and provide internationally acceptable standard of public health education at all Levels, suitable for meeting public health problems in the region,
To develop and conduct research activities to improve sciences and technologies in the field of public health,
To provide consulting services and advocacy to the governments, the private sector, and the public,
To establish networks with various stakeholders such as education institutions, industries, professional associations, governments, non-government organizations at national and international levels, to promote healthy and quality of life.
To achieve its vision and mission statements, Rector of UI has selected Bambang Wispriyono, drs, Apt, Ph.D as the dean of FPHUI for the tenure of 2008-2012. To assist Bambang Wispriyono, drs, Apt, Ph.D, Dr Dian Ayubi, SKM, MQIH have been named as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Vice Dean for Non-Academic Affairs, respectively.
To further support the faculty activities, the Dean have appointed several managers to in the Departments of academic affairs, student affairs, human resources, finance, research and academic services, quality assurance, library, and information system. In addition, a corporate secretary manages the Faculty administration and communication with external organizations
Ikatan Mahasiswa Fakultas
Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia yang selanjutnya disebut dengan IM
FKM UI adalah wadah formal dan legal yang menghimpun mahasiswa FKM UI dalam
satu ikatan moral dan intelektual.Anggota
IM FKM UI adalah semua mahasiswa FKM UI yang aktif secara akademik di FKM
UI.Anggota IM FKM UI terdiri dari anggota aktif dan anggota biasa. Anggota
aktif IM FKM UI adalah semua mahasiswa FKM UI yang aktif secara akademik di FKM
UI dan telah dinyatakan lulus dalam proses penerimaan anggota aktif IM FKM UI.
Sedangkan Anggota biasa IM FKM UI adalah semua mahasiswa FKM UI di luar anggota
cara menjadi bagian dari anggota aktif IM FKM UI ? Majelis MPM IM FKM UI)
membentuk kepanitiaan Orientasi Kehidupan Kampus IM FKM UI sebagai sarana untuk mendapatkan anggota aktif
IM FKM UI bagi mahasiswa baru FKM UI 2012. Proses penerimaan anggota aktif IM
FKM UI memiliki muatan-muatan antara lain kerohanian, nasionalisme, tridarma
perguruan tinggi, nilai-nilai kemahasiswaan, medan kampus FKM UI, sistem
akademik FKM UI, UUD IM FKM UI dan Kode Etik IM FKM UI. Muatan-muatan tersebut
diharapkan mampu membekali mahasiswa baru FKM UI dalam berkontribusi di ranah FKM, UI, maupun tingkat nasional untuk
ke depannya. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa FKM UI diwajibkan untuk mengikuti
rangkaian OKK IM FKM UI sebagai proses penerimaan anggota aktif IM FKM UI.
dan kewajiban anggota aktif IM FKM UI adalah mematuhi UUD IM FKM UI,
Undang-Undang IM FKM UI, Ketetapan MPM IM FKM UI, serta semua peraturan yang
berlaku di FKM UI, menjaga nama baik IM FKM UI; dan melaksanakan sanksi yang
ditetapkan bila terbukti melanggar UUD IM FKM UI, Undang-Undang IM FKM UI, dan
Ketetapan MPM IM FKM UI. Hak dan wewenang anggota aktif IM FKM UI adalah
mendapatkan pelayanan dan fasilitas IM FKM UI sesuai dengan prosedur yang
berlaku, mengeluarkan pendapat secara lisan, tertulis, atau keduanya, serta
menjadi pengurus Lembaga Kemahasiswaan IM FKM UI sesuai dengan prosedur yang
berlaku. menjadi panitia kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Kemahasiswaan
IM FKM UI, mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua Lembaga Kemahasiswaaan IM FKM UI,
mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua panitia kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga
Kemahasiswaan IM FKM UI, memilih dan dipilih dalam proses suksesi kepengurusan
Lembaga Kemahasiswaan IM FKM UI. memilih dan dipilih dalam proses pemilihan
ketua panitia kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Kemahasiswaan IM FKM UI,
membela diri apabila akan atau telah dikenakan sanksi di dalam lingkungan IM
FKM UI sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku, mendapatkan pembelaan apabila akan
atau telah dikenakan sanksi di dalam lingkungan IM FKM UI sesuai dengan
prosedur yang berlaku, Mengajukan gugatan terhadap permasalahan hukum yang
terjadi di IM FKM UI; dan Mengajukan peninjauan kembali terhadap Undang-Undang
IM FKM UI dan Ketetapan MPM IM FKM UI.
HMD Biostatistik ( @analiticoUI ) |
HMD Kesehatan Lingkungan ( @envihsaFKMUI ) |
HMD Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja ( @ohscfkmui ) |
HMD Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan ( @hapsafkmui ) |
HMD Epidemiologi ( @episentumfkmui ) |
HMD Gizi ( @akgfkmui ) |
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